How to make a samurai panda in Ukiyo-e art style

There are a ton of very unique stylized options in MidJourney. In this tutorial, we’re going to make a samurai panda. We’re going to do it in Ukiyo-e style. If you’re unfamiliar with that style, it’s a style of traditional Japanese art.

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Let’s start with the first prompt

Prompt: Samurai Panda

As you can see, the options are all quite interesting. Version 4 is almost ready for prime time. However, we always want to be more specific. Let’s add more words to the prompt.

Prompt: Samurai Panda, Full body, action shot

Version 4 again looks great. Let’s add in the Ukiyo-e style to the prompt

Prompt: Samurai Panda, Full body, action shot, Ukiyo-e

These all look great. Let’s add the –quality 5 parameter to get a better result.

Prompt: Samurai Panda, Full body, action shot, Ukiyo-e, 32k –quality 5

These all look pretty good. Let’s see if we can generate 4 more variations. and see if we like any of them more than these.

I like version 2 the best. Let’s make 4 variations.

Version 2 looks the best so let’s make a final image.

This is the final image. While it looks interesting, you can see it does have two sets of ears. I tried to get rid of them through prompts but MidJourney took me down a rabbit hole without a better result. So I went into photoshop and deleted the ears.

Sometimes you have to go into photoshop occasionally to fix artifacts. Remember that making art with MidJourney sacles down the time nessisary to get your art created. Sometimes you have to use other tools.