Making a surreal blue whale in MidJourney

There are so many different combinations of objects, styles, lighting, shaders, and more in MidJourney. Let’s try to make a blue whale look amazing. First, we start with a prompt.

Prompt: Blue whale, surreal, hyper detailed

Not a bad first start. Let’s add a couple more parameters.

Prompt: Blue whale, surreal, hyper detailed, Symbolism, vibrant

Looks like we’re starting to get somewhere. We should make this bluer and more detailed. We’ll add the vivid-blue parameter as well as 32k and the –quality 5 parameter.

Prompt: Blue whale, surreal, hyper detailed, Symbolism, vibrant, vivid-blue, 32k, –quality 5

I like version 4 the best so let’s make 4 variations.


Again, version 4 seems to be the best. Let’s go with that one and upscale it by pressing U4.

One of the things you should use MidJourney for is making art that is extremely difficult to draw. In this case, this image is very difficult to create by hand. One of the reasons is the detail in the image. All of the lines in this make it hard to create. I think the image came out quite nicely.