So I decided I wanted to mix two of my blog posts.
Making An Image Of Toronto In 1910, In MidJourney
Making An NES Greek Screenshot Similar To Castlevania In MidJourney
Let’s do a prompt. I find it’s always best to add the word clean to pixel art it makes the best results.
Prompt: clean pixel art, toronto 1910, –quality 5 –ar 2:1

Wow, this was really good. Way better than I expected. In fact, it’s almost better than the original 1910 artwork of Toronto. Anyway, I like version 3 the best. But honestly, all 4 of these are really good. Let’s make versions of version 3.

I think that version 2 is the best. Let’s upscale it and see what happens.

This is really good. Howeverm you can see that it is more of a filter rather than pixel art. The sprites (humans) you could actually see in a game. The art kind of reminds me of the art from Dr Jekyl and Mr Hyde for the NES. Just for fun, let’s

I have to say the result is pretty good. There still needs to work. You would probably have to bring in into photoshop to get rid of the blurriness of the image. Adding in some noise could easily make this look like pixel art. Eitherway, this was a fun experiment and it looks awesome.