Making a website or even a computer to showcase your work in MidJourney is incredibly easy. Let’s start off with a simple prompt to make a black-and-white website.
Prompt: A minimalist black and white website

These are all pretty good. However, they look more like photos rather than UIs attached to the website. First, let’s make it 16:9. Second, let’s add in some language for the UI.
Prompt: A minimalist black and white website, with simple UI –ar 16:9

It’s getting closer. However, we need to add in more terminology that gets MidJourney to make it more like a website.
Prompt: A minimalist black and white website, with simple UI, navigation, menus, text –ar 16:9

These are starting to look better. Let’s make this more ‘digital’. Adding in vector and high contrast should make a more blocky black-and-white website.
Prompt: A minimalist black and white website, with simple UI, navigation, menus, text, digital, vector, black and white, high contrast –ar 16:9

Sometimes MidJourney doesn’t do what you tell it to do. Let’s add in the word no photos and change vector to vector graphics.
Prompt: A minimalist black and white website, with simple UI, navigation, menus, text, digital, vector graphics, no photos, black and white, high contrast –ar 16:9

I think variation 2 looks the best so let’s go ahead and make 4 variations.

I think version 4 looks the best so let’s upscale it.

As you can see we were fighting with MidJourney a bit. I think this makes a great minimalist website. I think we’ll try this again in the near future.