One of the best things you can do with MidJourney is you can merge two ideas together. This idea is pretty far out there. I don’t know if MidJourney will understand what the surface of Titan looks like.
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Let’s start with a basic prompt.
Prompt: A person standing on the surface of Titan

This turned out far better than I predicted it would. I think the next thing to do would be to make it 16:9 by adding –ar 16:9 and adding Saturn to the background.
Prompt: A person standing on the surface of Titan, Saturn is in the Sky, –ar 16:9

Already, this is pretty good. The rings of Saturn need to be highlighted more. Let’s add a few more keywords.
Prompt: A person standing on the surface of Titan, The planet Saturn is in the Sky, Saturn’s rings are visible –ar 16:9

It looks better when Saturn is at an angle. Let’s add that in. Let’s also make this the –quality 5 so we can get a better render.
Prompt: A person standing on the surface of Titan, The planet Saturn is in the Sky, Saturn’s rings are visible, Saturn is at an angle –ar 16:9 –quality 5

Version 4 looks awesome. I was going to go further, but there’s no need, let’s make 4 variations.

These aren’t bad, let’s try 4 more variations.

I think version 4 looks the best. Let’s upscale it and see what happens.
Final Result

This worked out pretty well. Saturn doesn’t look as good as it could. One thing that I thought I might do is use the surreal parameter. This might make it look better. Also, one thing I did not do was use an astronaut instead of a man. I figured that a man in the future would have a better space suit. If I had put astronaut, it would give me a bulky astronaut and it would have taken a while to get a more scifi space suit.