Double exposure is one of the best tricks in photography. In MidJourney, you can do it quite easily. For this tutorial, you need a foreground subject and a background subject. It usually works well with some kind of animal or something biological in the front and a landscape in the background. Once you have two things you want to mesh together it’s time to start. It all starts off with a simple prompt.
Prompt: A double exposure bison with the great plains as the background

Prompt: A double exposure bison with the great plains as the background, upper body only, white background

With this result, we’re getting much closer to what I want. Let’s add the words head only. Let’s also add in great grass plains. There are lots of trees in the double exposure. Let’s also bump up the quality to 32k and 5.
Prompt: A double exposure bison with the great grass plains as the background, head only, white background, 32k, –quality 5

MidJourey has problems with rending the full body/head or vice versa. Im just going to go with it. The only thing I don’t like about this is the green grass. Most of the time the great plains are yellow.
Prompt: A double exposure bison with the great grass plains as the background, the grass is yellow, head only, white background, 32k, –quality 5

We’re so very close. The yellow is a bit too saturated. Let’s add the word faded before yellow and I think it should work.
Prompt: A double exposure bison with the great grass plains as the background, the grass is faded yellow, head only, white background, 32k, –quality 5

I think number 4 looks best so let’s make the variations by pressing V4.

These all look good. I think version 3 looks the best so let’s render it out and see what happens.

I think this looks good for what we’re trying to accomplish, there are so many things we could do with this. There are different colors, styles, etc. If you really want to get proficient at MidJourney, it’s best to just spend as much time in it as possible. It really is that simple.